Language of Odisha: Odia – A Cultural Treasure

Language of Odisha

Odia, also known as Odiya, is the official language of the state of Odisha in eastern India. It’s not just a language; it’s a cultural treasure that has deep roots in the history and identity of the region.

Origins and Development:

Odia has ancient origins, dating back over a thousand years. It evolved from the Prakrits and Sanskrit and has a unique script called the Odia script. Over the centuries, Odia has grown as a rich and expressive language, nurturing literature, poetry, and art.


The Odia script is a syllabic script, and it’s written from left to right. It’s a beautiful script known for its flowing and graceful characters. The script is used to write not only Odia but also Sanskrit and other Indian languages.

Literature and Poetry:

Odia literature boasts a rich tradition of poetry and prose. The famous 12th-century poet Jayadeva composed the timeless “Gita Govinda” in Odia, a masterpiece in Indian classical literature. The language has produced celebrated poets, like Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja, and many others who have contributed significantly to Indian literature.

Cultural Significance:

Odia language and culture are intricately linked. Odia culture is celebrated through its language in various forms, including classical dance like Odissi, folk songs, and rituals. The Odia calendar is also deeply rooted in the language and follows its own set of festivals.

Odia Beyond Odisha:

While Odia is the official language of Odisha, it is also spoken in some neighboring states and among the Odia diaspora around the world. People from Odisha who have migrated to other regions carry the language and culture with them.

Modern Usage:

In contemporary times, Odia continues to thrive in literature, cinema, and media. The language is used in administration, education, and daily life throughout the state. Efforts are being made to promote Odia through digital media and literature to preserve and celebrate its cultural significance.


Odia is more than just a language; it’s a reflection of the rich heritage and culture of Odisha. It’s a language that binds the people of Odisha, celebrating their past while shaping their future. As you explore Odisha, you’ll find that Odia is a key to understanding and appreciating the state’s unique identity.